Responding to requests for shifting electricity use

The Greek pilot explores how residential consumers can contribute to a reduction of market imbalances by shifting the electricity consumption of their water heaters. The iFLEX Assistant communicates the requests for action to the household and handles its response according to set preferences.

The capability to shift electricity use is in the Greek case offered as a service by a Demand ResponseDemand Response Intentional change of normal consumption patterns by energy consumers in response to external price signals (implicit DR) or incentives to reduce or increase consumption (explicit DR). Both operations can be automated. AggregatorAggregator Market participant acting between providers and users of flexibility. The Aggregator bundles flexibility resources (consumption, generation, storage) into a flexibility volume and offers the capability to activate it. to a Renewable Energy Source (RES) Aggregator to reduce potential imbalances in the balancing market. In Greece, the former provides balancing services based on demand-side consumption, generation and storage and the latter based on generation from renewable power plants.

The demand-side aggregation role is initially fulfilled by the Electricity Retailer who sends a request to the household for participating in a future Demand Response (DRDR Demand Response) event, which for the pilot involves shifting the consumption of the water heater. In return, the household is rewarded.

The household can provide a positive or negative response. If agreeing to participate in the event, the iFLEX Assistant suggests one or more options for rescheduling the water heater based on modelled preferences which need to be accepted by the user for successful participation. In a minimum supervision scenario, the user can choose auto-mode, leaving it up to iFLEX Assistant to decide on participation and rescheduling of the water heater.

Type of consumer engagement:
Explicit Demand Response
Location: Households in Athens, Thessaloniki & Volos
Energy actors involved:
Electricity Retailer/Demand Response Aggregator, HERON
Renewable Energy Source Aggregator, OPTIMUS

Benefits of offfering and utilising flexibility

Household: Receive compensation for offering flexibility to the RES Aggregator in addition to any costs covered for activating the flexibility asset; feel in control through energy consumption and cost visualisation; be part of a collective environmental effort by actively supporting RES development.

RES Aggregator: Reduce imbalance penalties by aggregating and activating flexibility from consumers.

Retailer fulfilling the role of DR Aggregator: Receive additional revenue by activating a flexible resource at very short notice; reach and cater for more environmentally aware segments of its clientele.

iFLEX integrated into existing mobile application

The iFLEX Assistant functionality will be integrated into an existing mobile application offered by the retailer, HERON.

The mobile application provides remote control of the flexible asset and real-time energy monitoring that can be broken down into fully customisable intervals and resolutions. This gives the user valuable insights into the energy consumption, power and power factor of running electrical devices and daily costs.

Through the additional functionalities of the iFLEX Assistant integrated in the existing app, such as scheduling, optimisation and automatisation, the user will be able to manage participation in DR events.

The household will also be able to inspect its history of participation in flexibility events and the gained rewards. Costs, compensations and rewards will be visualised as “€ / kg CO2 saved or XY points earned” depending on the reward mechanism.

Conceptual design of iFLEX Assistant integration with early-stage retailer app

From 10 to 200 households

The pilot which is led by HERON has recruited 10 households in Athens to test key aspects of the iFLEX Assistant before official launch of the pilot during 2022. In total, the pilot aims at recruiting 200 households, engaging them in testing and validating the Assistant throughout the piloting phases which run in 2022 and 2023.

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Validating iFLEX flexibility management and energy optimisation

In the last phase of the project, the focus is on validating the iFLEX Assistant deployed in each pilot and on demonstrating the optimisation of the energy usage in the participating households and residential buildings, based on the activation of demand response events.

New video out

Check out what energy flexibility is about in this [...]

iFLEX Assistant mobile app

The iFLEX mobile app helps you manage your home energy consumption, energy flexibility and energy performance. Check out the functions in the video.

iFLEX at Enlit Europe 2022

Enlit Europe connects people who work towards the common goal: To deliver a clean, affordable and reliable energy for all. Find us in the European Projects Zone.

Two iFLEX papers accepted in IEEE SmartGridComm’22

The papers cover the analysis of the incentive mechanisms in the Slovenian and Greek pilots and have been produced by Athens University of Economics and Business – the Services, Technologies and Economics Group.

Testing the iFLEX concept

To investigate consumer acceptance of the iFLEX concept, the project has conducted a public survey in the three pilot countries. The results show a general positive attitude towards offering energy flexibility and using iFLEX to manage it, as long as it does not conflict with comfort and the feeling of being in control.

Join us at Sustainable Places 2022

iFLEX is co-organising a workshop on consumer-user engagement in the design of energy flexibility services. Join us on 8th September for some real-life experiences and exchange of knowledge and ideas.

What is happening in BRIDGE

Take a look at the recent conclusions and recommendations from the BRIDGE community on how to unlock energy flexibility in Europe.

Offering the thermal capacity of apartment buildings

The Finnish pilot investigates how apartment buildings can contribute to both power grid and district heating system balance by offering the thermal capacity of the building as a flexibility resource. The role of the iFLEX Assistant is to learn the behaviour of the building in order to forecast available flexibility and to automate the demand-response operations.

Managing electricity price signals

The Slovenian pilot looks at dynamic pricing as a means of adjusting electricity consumption behaviour, signalling to consumers and prosumers when it is best to consume energy. The role of the iFLEX Assistant is to make it easy for consumers and prosumers to manage their response to the price signals.

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